The complete guide to On-Page and Off-Page SEO strategy

SEO is a powerful tool to manage the ranking of your website. To improve your space on the internet, you need to optimize your website. Among the various digital marketing techniques, SEO is one of the basic and essential techniques. Search engine optimization helps you to get good organic traffic on your website. The techniques for SEO change a lot to enhance the experience of the visitors on the search engine. Instead of stuffing keywords and adding anonymous backlinks, today’s web ranking depends on quality. Your web pages will only rank if the content is genuine and user-friendly. Now SEO techniques are created that can aid the quality of pages and help in ranking them on top of SERPs. The SEO is divided into two parts: On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.

Guide to On-Page SEO 

On-Page SEO is those techniques that ensure that the page will rank on search engines. In these techniques, the user focuses on improving the page quality. Better page content and quality mean better traffic. Today, search engines only rank the pages on top if they are legit and have good content. In On-Page SEO, the main job is to enhance page quality for better ranking. Various techniques help in improving page rankings.

On-Page SEO techniques

Title and relevant headings

Title tags are those elements that are visible on the SERP. When a person searches for anything, he gets lots of results. In the results, he can only see the title and meta description. Your title tag should be unique and descriptive. Try to create a title tag that can tell more about your page content. The visitor will only click on your page if the title seems relevant and informative.

Add Alt text

Adding images of the page helps to understand the content more. While adding images, don’t forget to add alternative (alt) text. This alt text is used to describe the image to the visitors. Add good alt tags so people can find your pages from the images. 

Page loading speed

On-page SEO focuses on page-loading time. Loading time is one of the crucial entities of SEO. More loading time means a high bounce rate. When the page loading time is more, you will get fewer views even if the content is good. Search engines also rank the pages depending on the loading speed. If the page is taking more time in loading, the page will rank poorly. Use On-page techniques, page loading time reduces and the pages can get a better ranking.

Adding keywords and internal links

In SEO, you have to work around keywords. Keywords are those words and strings that the audience searches on the search engine. To improve views on the pages, you need to add correct keywords. Several keyword research tools are available to find the relevant keywords for the page.

Meta description

A meta description is a text that appears on the SERP along with the title. On-Page SEO focuses on creating a good meta for the page. This meta allows the user to find more details about the webpage. 

Guide to Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO is those techniques that are used outside the webpage to enhance the ranking on SERP. These techniques work to improve the trustworthiness and authority of the page. This SEO strategy allows the search engine to show its relevance. Off-Page SEO techniques mainly focus on link building.

Off-Page SEO Techniques

Link building  

Creating backlinks is the main focus of off-page SEO. It is a crucial technique that helps the site to get a good ranking on the SERP. When a website has good backlinks, search engines will provide it better ranking. But for better ranking, the page must have quality backlinks. 

Social media marketing 

Today social media is largely used for business promotion. In Off-Page SEO, adding pages on social media helps in improving views. Finding an audience on social media is easy. People use social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc for Off-Page SEO.

Guest Posting

Guest posting is one of the best Off-Page techniques. In this, the content is shared on other websites. It helps to find more audience for your website. For guest posting, you can search for publications and third-party websites. It also provides valuable backlinks for the website. 

Some other Off-Page SEO techniques are forum posting, local listing, commenting, brand mentions, influencer outreach, newsletters, etc. 

Post Author
Lucy Orloski
Lucy Orloski, Content Community Manager in SEOHeights, a Canada based digital marketing company, has worked in a number of capacities in marketing since 2008. She provides consultancy for increasing traffic through search engines, social media, email marketing and improving the site and page conversion rates to increase sales using existing visitor traffic. If you want to increase traffic, sales or want branding of your business then contact me

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