Email Marketing Best Practices: How to Engage Your Audience

Emails are one of the most significant & guaranteed methods of digital marketing to reach and establish a ‘face’ with your audience. However, there is a lot of competition since several millions of emails are sent out every day and hence the need to cut out the clutter and send messages that is captivating to the subscribers. Adhering to the protocols can enhance open rates, improve the reaction of the recipients, and convert the prospects into turning into a dedicated consumer.

Build a Quality Email List

The primary objective for any email marketing campaign is good email marketing metrics & it begins with a clean email database. Target healthy opt-in lists consisting of subscribers who wish to be updated about your brand, instead of obtaining lists of emails.

  • Opt-In Forms: You can implement email signup forms on your pages, blogs, or social media platforms to attract readers who would come through and sign up to see the content available.
  • Lead Magnets: To enhance signup, lend great value-elements such as free eBooks, promotional gifts and more.
  • Segment Your List: You can also enhance your email marketing allows whereby you divide up your email list, say according to those who have purchased products and their preferences.

Craft Compelling Subject Lines

The subject line is the first impression that audiences see of the email; needless to say it determines the opening or non-opening of the email. Write subject lines that are strong enough to attract the audience to open the message.

  • Keep It Short and Sweet: Choose about 6 to 10 words to prevent your audiences from having a hard time reading the subject line on any device, especially on a mobile.
  • Use Action-Oriented Language: Include active verbs that urge the users to move on to another action, for example, ‘Get Your Discount Now’ or ‘Look at What We Have in Store This Time.’
  • Personalization: Make use of the other person’s name or address the other person on the subject line.

Deliver Content that is of Given Value and Relations to the Subscribers

It is the value that people find in the mails that makes them want to stay subscribed. Make sure that the content that you are providing is such special that it captures the attention of your target audience.

  • Content That Educates: Provide prospects with tips, guides, or how-to’s that will answer a particular problem that the audience is having.
  • Giveaways: Provide the users with something such as a discount or bonus with an exclusive product or a special opportunity to pre-order something so they will pay attention.
  • Storytelling: Thus, applying storytelling into the emails, sentiments could be built towards the audience making the emails more remarkable.

Optimize for Mobility

As most of the consumers tend to read their emails through their mobile devices, letting your emails out in mobile compatible versions is important for the impact of the emails.

  • Responsive Design: Implement a responsive email template in order not to stick only to conventional screen technology but also be able to send and receive email on mobile or desktops.
  • Concise Content: Write the subject messages to be very short but informative and calls to action (CTA)s in this case buttons which are easy to click on touch screens.
  • Test Across Devices: Prior to clicking the send button for your emails that you have done, ensure you have tested the emails on multiple devices and email clients.

Address the Recipient in the Emails.

Personalization of your emails does not only involve addressing the email to the name of the recipient. Use the information that you have collected from your exact target audience devising aimed at them.

  • Dynamic Content: Utilize dynamic content in order to send emails that will show customers only the items or offers that correspond with their taste.
  • Triggered Emails: Set up emails that can be sent automatically after a given action has been performed e.g. after signing up you can send welcoming emails and remind ecommerce clients with abandoned carts of their purchases.

Engage Subscribers with Strong Calls to Action, CTAs

The use of a well-crafted call to action (CTA) should help subscribers understand what action to take next be it a purchase, registration to a webinar, or even downloading some offering.

  • Clear and Direct: Avoid beating about the bush and instead use commands that can draw a person’s attention e.g. Shop Now! Download Free Guide! Claim Your Offer Now!
  • Place CTAs Strategically: Make sure your imperative slogan is accessible for readers and placed on the proper position, either on the very top of your email or after some relevant information.
  • Use Buttons: A button-style CTA can be slightly positioned as well as clicked or touched on both mobile and desktop devices without any struggle. It is very useful for the target audiences when using mobile and desk top variants.

Test and Observe the Results of Your Campaigns for Improvement

Assessment of the impact of your email marketing activities is central to their efforts of improvement. Evaluate different aspects of your emails campaigns, subject lines or target audience in order to identify what works best with your audience.

  • A/B Testing: Conduct A/B testing on your subject lines, CTA location, type of images used and the language used in the email copy in order to identify which variations are most effective.
  • Analyze Key Metrics: Ensure to observe the open rates for each marketing email, click through rates as well as the conversion rates and identify inefficiencies that need to be rectified.
  • Continuous Refinement: Continuous testing will help improve further promotional activities so that the preferences of the audience are well understood.

Have a Consistent Timeline of Email Dispatch

Email consistency aids positioning of the brand in the customer’s thoughts while earning the customer’s confidence. Do not forget to control the amount of time spent between sending emails in order to stop stressing the readers.

  • Establish Communication Frequency: How General Communication Access and Usage amongst participants of the study changed over a two months time period. Inform your subscribers how much communication they will be having with you, if it is every week, every other week or every month.
  • Avoid Over-Sending: Over emailing the audience can cause them to unsubscribe. Stick to a timing of sending out emails that suit the audience’s timing.
  • Time Your Emails: Experiment with various email-sending times and identify the time that records the highest engagement with your audience.


Email marketing, which entails sending messages to a large group of people via the internet in an attempt to market particular products or services, is still recognized as a practical avenue that converts audiences to clients and fosters retention Klaus et al. Email marketing has the potential to grab the attention of the target audience and maximize conversion if some basics are observed, such as using catchy subject lines, offering relevance to your audience, and addressing efficiently on mobile devices, amongst others. Because the market cliques change frequently, it is important to keep performing different strategies in order to reach out for more clients and hold on to the current clientele.

Post Author
Lucy Orloski
Lucy Orloski, Content Community Manager in SEOHeights, a Canada based digital marketing company, has worked in a number of capacities in marketing since 2008. She provides consultancy for increasing traffic through search engines, social media, email marketing and improving the site and page conversion rates to increase sales using existing visitor traffic. If you want to increase traffic, sales or want branding of your business then contact me

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